Transfer a credit card balance

You spend a lot of time working through a variety of details as you consider the pros and cons of making a balance transfer. While this is a good approach, here’s something to remember: you aren’t done just because you found the right balance transfer offer and completed the transaction.

This is where the process really begins. Here are three steps you need to take after making a balance transfer:

  • Know exactly where things stand. At this point, you should have a clear idea of your total balance and the amount of time you have to eliminate it before your zero percent interest rate expires. With these two details in hand, you know the task you are facing.
  • Pay down your balance as quickly as possible. This goes along with step number one. The sooner you eliminate your balance the better. When you finally reach the end of the line, you’ll look back and realize that this was one of the best financial moves you ever made.
  • Watch your spending. It’s good that you are able to use a balance transfer credit card to your advantage. This can save you a lot of money on interest. However, if you continue to add new debt to the mix, you’ll never make the progress you’re hoping for. So, make sure you aren’t canceling out your credit card payments with new debt.

These are three of the most important steps to take after making a balance transfer. There may be other things you do at this time, but following this advice will put you in position to reach your goal of eliminating your balance.

Have you ever taken advantage of a balance transfer credit card? Did this work in your favor over the long run? Share your personal experience, including the steps that you took, in the comment section below.

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